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What are the essential benefits of a collaborative divorce process:

Thinking through what you and your children will need over the course of time and working in collaboration helps create  durable agreements that stand the test of time. 


Collaborative professionals help clients consider the implications of the options they are considering- always helpng clients to assess how todays decisions relate to their goals and their needs and interests- as well as their childrens interests.


Every family has unique needs and strengths, and collaboration allows those needs and strengths to remain at the forefront in decision-making during and beyond the divorce.


Collaboration in divorce challenges clients to be present in their choices.  Where attorneys traditionally advocate for results for their clients, in collaboration they advocate for the clients to create their own results.  Years after the divorce, clients are clear about how and why they made the decisions they came to-- because they created them


In collaboration we have a living laboratory for parents to exercise their strategies for creating a shared parenting process with professionals able to assist in tweaking and revising plans in real time.  Most importantly, parents can see the effects of their plans as they are happening before ever going to court and having a "permanent solution".  


      Even after the divorce is finalized, parents will have developed a process for working out the details in a cooperative manner.  When issues arise, and they always do, parents can align 'enough' to get the job done with mutual resolve.



Research shows that when parents are able to set aside their differences and work together, their children DO NOT suffer the adverse effects of divorce from exposure to overt and cover hostility and ineffective communication.  Collaborative divorce helps parents develop langage and allows them to practice choices before signing off on a concept hoping that it will work.


Collaborative solutions that are rooted in needs, interests and goals are more likely to have longevity and require less re-negotiation over the years.  This means greater cost-efficiency and less chance of buyer remorse.


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